Guest Blog: OT, Kailey Waskom
Forward from Rachel of Eaarthbones Jewelry
When we started writing blog posts, we had YOU in mind, from jewelry pieces, education, and living a mindful life. We want all of our blog posts to be something you'd want to read, so when we saw our lovely ambassadors creating amazing content and blog posts of their own, we wanted to highlight them! We are excited to open our blog to anyone who would like to contribute! We love not only hearing about your experience with EBJ, but how you live a mindful life, from your career to home living, to tips and tricks of what works for you! If you would like to contribute to our blog, please email us with your ideas at!
From Kailey Waskom:
"A while ago I had a client with decreased dexterity and feeling in his/her hands. Because of this, putting on jewelry was really, really hard! Especially necklaces and earrings. Managing the small parts and finding where the backing slid on was no easy feat and made a morning routine more frustrating. It was also a safety risk as she/he had decreased protective sensation meaning they could 100% have stabbed themselves with the back of the earring and have zero idea. Over time as she/he gained feeling/dexterity back, donning jewelry became easier, but it still left me thinking, is there any jewelry that's easily accessible?
Fast forward to Eaarthbones Jewelry's spring collection. Rachel (the owner) came out with a new earring design. It's similar to an ear climber, but looks like a hoop. And the best part? You can put it on with one hand! It requires less dexterity, but still stays the whole day. I was so excited to try them, and they worked! She also frequently makes other "threader" earrings that also require zero backings. Other bonuses; they look stylish and are super light.

M E E T K A I L E Y !
As an occupational therapist, Kailey Waskom works with clients to help them access and participate in activities of daily life. She is also an avid consumer of all things beauty. During her career, she noticed a lack of accessibility in the beauty blogger/lifestyle space and decided to do something about it. Her blog,, is an amalgamation of tips/tricks and makeup reviews to increase the accessibility of the beauty industry and improve people’s ability to feel luxurious in their daily routines. Follow Kailey on Instagram @thebeautyot.
Images by Kailey Waskom & Rachel V King Lifestyle.